Inicio > Interés > Sin comida ni medicinas, cuadrapléjico venezolano pide a Nicolás Maduro la eutanasia

Sin comida ni medicinas, cuadrapléjico venezolano pide a Nicolás Maduro la eutanasia

Daikellys Mosquera ayuda a su padre Marco Guillen en Barquisimeto, estado Lara  / AFP PHOTO / FEDERICO PARRA /


Cuando un accidente lo dejó cuadrapléjico hace 12 años, Marco quería morir. Pero sobreponiéndose a la adversidad se casó y adoptó una niña. Hoy, desesperado porque le faltan antibióticos, sondas y comida en una Venezuela en crisis, pide la eutanasia.

Confinado en un cuarto de siete metros cuadrados donde apenas cabe una pequeña cama y un refrigerador, ha grabado 16 videos desde julio de 2016 clamando ayuda.

En el más reciente lanza un pedido dramático al mandatario Nicolás Maduro: que le ayude a morir dignamente. Aunque la eutanasia es ilegal en Venezuela, Marco aboga por una ley para casos terminales o como el suyo.

“Recién tuve el accidente (automovilístico) le pedía a todo mundo que me matara, después acepté lo ocurrido. No quiero la muerte, me encantaría vivir aunque en mejores condiciones, pero de no ser posible prefiero la eutanasia”, dijo a AFP en su casa en Cabudare, estado Lara.

Técnico industrial de 45 años, Marco intenta sobrevivir con una pensión y un subsidio mensuales que suman 186.000 bolívares (4,3 dólares a la tasa del mercado negro), cuando solo una sonda urinaria le cuesta 24.000 y un kilo de carne 50.000.

“Eso no alcanza para nada. Todo está extremadamente caro”, comenta el hombre, quien necesita también pañales, guantes de látex y alcohol.

El país petrolero sufre una aguda crisis económica con escasez de alimentos y medicinas. Muchos de los productos disponibles son impagables para la mayoría, pues están tasados al dólar negro (12 veces mayor a la cotización oficial).

Ante una drástica reducción de importaciones del gobierno, la mengua de medicamentos llega a 85%, según la Federación Farmacéutica.

– Un pozo sin fondo –

Tras el último video, grabado por su hija de 13 años que se opone a que Marco precipite su muerte, varias personas han llamado para ofrecer donaciones.

Impedido de mover manos y piernas, atiende el celular con una varilla de madera que mueve con la boca. Una proeza que logró hace unos años y le permite manipular el control remoto del televisor.

En las grabaciones, que difunde en redes sociales, resume su drama a Maduro. “Nos están matando de hambre: o compro comida o compro insumos médicos”.

Cuando aún era posible hallar alimentos subsidiados en los supermercados, hacía largas filas en silla de ruedas. “Es humillante, nos llegaron a dejar sin alimentos luego de horas esperando”, recuerda.

Marco pide al gobierno un empleo y una de las cientos de miles de casas que asegura construir para los más pobres, pues vive hacinado.

“Quisiera trabajar, tengo habilidades con los celulares y las computadoras”, afirma, con melancolía, este exgerente de gasolineras.

Pero ese anhelo se desvanece ante su dura realidad. Luego de tres semanas sin cambiarla, la manguera que lo ayuda a orinar “olía a cadáver”, una situación degradante que lo convenció de poner fin a su vida.

“No quiero arrastrar a mi esposa y mi hija a este pozo sin fondo que estamos llegando en Venezuela”, justifica el hombre, amante del mar y el cine.

– Una muerte por amor –

Marco dice que ha logrado mantenerse a flote gracias a Ana Barrios, de 30 años, con quien se casó hace cinco adoptando a Daikellys, la risueña hija de su mujer.

“Él ama salir, observar todo, antes podíamos ir a comernos un heladito, ahora vive entre cuatro paredes porque todo se puso por las nubes (caro)”, cuenta Ana entre lágrimas.

Delgada y de estatura baja, saca fuerzas con abnegación. Cada tres horas debe voltearlo para evitar que aparezcan lesiones en su espalda.

“Lo cuido como a un bebé, jamás lo voy a soltar”, promete Ana, quien le pide a Marco pensar bien sobre la muerte asistida, pues “él es muy valioso”.

Es costurera y confecciona vestidos para niñas. “Pero con esta situación tan crítica no se vende nada y los costos de material suben cada tres días, no quedan ganancias”, lamentó.

En la casa -añade- solo se come yuca o plátano, que es lo que se puede pagar.

Marco ama la Navidad, por eso Daikellys colocó un árbol adornado en la humilde sala en vísperas de su cumpleaños 46, el próximo domingo.

Cuando grabó el video no sabía qué era la eutanasia. “Luego lo busqué en internet y me puse a llorar”, cuenta la niña.

Su padre insiste en que quiere ponerle término a esta tragedia justamente por amor: “Es preferible sacrificar a uno para que vivan mejor dos”.

por Margioni BERMÚDEZ/AFP

Marco Guillen, a 45-year-old quadriplegic, talks during a interview with AFP at his house in Barquisimeto, Lara state, Venezuela on October 23, 2017. Marco Guillen became quadriplegic in an accident twelve years ago, amid Venezuela's deep economical crisis he desperately asks President Maduro's government to help him to live with dignity, meeting his medical necessities otherwise he pleads for euthanasia. / AFP PHOTO / FEDERICO PARRA / TO GO WITH AFP STORY by MARGIONI BERMUDEZ
Marco Guillen, a 45-year-old quadriplegic, talks during a interview with AFP at his house in Barquisimeto, Lara state, Venezuela on October 23, 2017.
Marco Guillen became quadriplegic in an accident twelve years ago, amid Venezuela’s deep economical crisis he desperately asks President Maduro’s government to help him to live with dignity, meeting his medical necessities otherwise he pleads for euthanasia. / AFP PHOTO / FEDERICO PARRA / TO GO WITH AFP STORY by MARGIONI BERMUDEZ
Marco Guillen, a 45-year-old quadriplegic, rests after an interview with AFP at his house in Barquisimeto, Lara state, Venezuela on October 23, 2017. Marco Guillen became quadriplegic in an accident twelve years ago, amid Venezuela's deep economical crisis he desperately asks President Maduro's government to help him to live with dignity, meeting his medical necessities otherwise he pleads for euthanasia. / AFP PHOTO / FEDERICO PARRA / TO GO WITH AFP STORY by MARGIONI BERMUDEZ
Marco Guillen, a 45-year-old quadriplegic, rests after an interview with AFP at his house in Barquisimeto, Lara state, Venezuela on October 23, 2017.
Marco Guillen became quadriplegic in an accident twelve years ago, amid Venezuela’s deep economical crisis he desperately asks President Maduro’s government to help him to live with dignity, meeting his medical necessities otherwise he pleads for euthanasia. / AFP PHOTO / FEDERICO PARRA / TO GO WITH AFP STORY by MARGIONI BERMUDEZ
Marco Guillen, a 45-year-old quadriplegic, rests after an interview with AFP at his house in Barquisimeto, Lara state, Venezuela on October 23, 2017. Marco Guillen became quadriplegic in an accident twelve years ago, amid Venezuela's deep economical crisis he desperately asks President Maduro's government to help him to live with dignity, meeting his medical necessities otherwise he pleads for euthanasia. / AFP PHOTO / FEDERICO PARRA / TO GO WITH AFP STORY by MARGIONI BERMUDEZ
Marco Guillen, a 45-year-old quadriplegic, rests after an interview with AFP at his house in Barquisimeto, Lara state, Venezuela on October 23, 2017.
Marco Guillen became quadriplegic in an accident twelve years ago, amid Venezuela’s deep economical crisis he desperately asks President Maduro’s government to help him to live with dignity, meeting his medical necessities otherwise he pleads for euthanasia. / AFP PHOTO / FEDERICO PARRA / TO GO WITH AFP STORY by MARGIONI BERMUDEZ
Ana Barrios (R) helps his quadriplegic husband Marco Guillen, to use a stick to dial the TV remote with his mouth at their house in Barquisimeto, Lara state, Venezuela on October 23, 2017. Marco Guillen became quadriplegic in an accident twelve years ago, amid Venezuela's deep economical crisis he desperately asks President Maduro's government to help him to live with dignity, meeting his medical necessities otherwise he pleads for euthanasia. / AFP PHOTO / FEDERICO PARRA / TO GO WITH AFP STORY by MARGIONI BERMUDEZ
Ana Barrios (R) helps his quadriplegic husband Marco Guillen, to use a stick to dial the TV remote with his mouth at their house in Barquisimeto, Lara state, Venezuela on October 23, 2017.
Marco Guillen became quadriplegic in an accident twelve years ago, amid Venezuela’s deep economical crisis he desperately asks President Maduro’s government to help him to live with dignity, meeting his medical necessities otherwise he pleads for euthanasia. / AFP PHOTO / FEDERICO PARRA / TO GO WITH AFP STORY by MARGIONI BERMUDEZ
Ana Barrios wife of Marco Guillen, a 45-year-old quadriplegic, shows her husband's hands during a interview with AFP at their house in Barquisimeto, Lara state, Venezuela on October 23, 2017. Marco Guillen became quadriplegic in an accident twelve years ago, amid Venezuela's deep economical crisis he desperately asks President Maduro's government to help him to live with dignity, meeting his medical necessities otherwise he pleads for euthanasia. / AFP PHOTO / FEDERICO PARRA / TO GO WITH AFP STORY by MARGIONI BERMUDEZ
Ana Barrios wife of Marco Guillen, a 45-year-old quadriplegic, shows her husband’s hands during a interview with AFP at their house in Barquisimeto, Lara state, Venezuela on October 23, 2017.
Marco Guillen became quadriplegic in an accident twelve years ago, amid Venezuela’s deep economical crisis he desperately asks President Maduro’s government to help him to live with dignity, meeting his medical necessities otherwise he pleads for euthanasia. / AFP PHOTO / FEDERICO PARRA / TO GO WITH AFP STORY by MARGIONI BERMUDEZ
Daikellys Mosquera (L), 13, helps his quadriplegic dad Marco Guillen, to use a stick to dial the cellphone with his mouth at their house in Barquisimeto, Lara state, Venezuela on October 23, 2017. Marco Guillen became quadriplegic in an accident twelve years ago, amid Venezuela's deep economical crisis he desperately asks President Maduro's government to help him to live with dignity, meeting his medical necessities otherwise he pleads for euthanasia. / AFP PHOTO / FEDERICO PARRA / TO GO WITH AFP STORY by MARGIONI BERMUDEZ
Daikellys Mosquera (L), 13, helps his quadriplegic dad Marco Guillen, to use a stick to dial the cellphone with his mouth at their house in Barquisimeto, Lara state, Venezuela on October 23, 2017.
Marco Guillen became quadriplegic in an accident twelve years ago, amid Venezuela’s deep economical crisis he desperately asks President Maduro’s government to help him to live with dignity, meeting his medical necessities otherwise he pleads for euthanasia. / AFP PHOTO / FEDERICO PARRA / TO GO WITH AFP STORY by MARGIONI BERMUDEZ
Ana Barrios, takes care of her quadriplegic husband Marco Guillen, at their house in Barquisimeto, Lara state, Venezuela on October 23, 2017. Marco Guillen became quadriplegic in an accident twelve years ago, amid Venezuela's deep economical crisis he desperately asks President Maduro's government to help him to live with dignity, meeting his medical necessities otherwise he pleads for euthanasia. / AFP PHOTO / FEDERICO PARRA / TO GO WITH AFP STORY by MARGIONI BERMUDEZ
Ana Barrios, takes care of her quadriplegic husband Marco Guillen, at their house in Barquisimeto, Lara state, Venezuela on October 23, 2017.
Marco Guillen became quadriplegic in an accident twelve years ago, amid Venezuela’s deep economical crisis he desperately asks President Maduro’s government to help him to live with dignity, meeting his medical necessities otherwise he pleads for euthanasia. / AFP PHOTO / FEDERICO PARRA / TO GO WITH AFP STORY by MARGIONI BERMUDEZ
Ana Barrios (R), takes care of her quadriplegic husband Marco Guillen, at their house in Barquisimeto, Lara state, Venezuela on October 23, 2017. Marco Guillen became quadriplegic in an accident twelve years ago, amid Venezuela's deep economical crisis he desperately asks President Maduro's government to help him to live with dignity, meeting his medical necessities otherwise he pleads for euthanasia. / AFP PHOTO / FEDERICO PARRA / TO GO WITH AFP STORY by MARGIONI BERMUDEZ
Ana Barrios (R), takes care of her quadriplegic husband Marco Guillen, at their house in Barquisimeto, Lara state, Venezuela on October 23, 2017.
Marco Guillen became quadriplegic in an accident twelve years ago, amid Venezuela’s deep economical crisis he desperately asks President Maduro’s government to help him to live with dignity, meeting his medical necessities otherwise he pleads for euthanasia. / AFP PHOTO / FEDERICO PARRA / TO GO WITH AFP STORY by MARGIONI BERMUDEZ
Marco Guillen (R), a 45-year-old quadriplegic, talks with his daughter Daikellys Mosquera at his house in Barquisimeto, Lara state, Venezuela on October 23, 2017. Marco Guillen became quadriplegic in an accident twelve years ago, amid Venezuela's deep economical crisis he desperately asks President Maduro's government to help him to live with dignity, meeting his medical necessities otherwise he pleads for euthanasia. / AFP PHOTO / FEDERICO PARRA / TO GO WITH AFP STORY by MARGIONI BERMUDEZ
Marco Guillen (R), a 45-year-old quadriplegic, talks with his daughter Daikellys Mosquera at his house in Barquisimeto, Lara state, Venezuela on October 23, 2017.
Marco Guillen became quadriplegic in an accident twelve years ago, amid Venezuela’s deep economical crisis he desperately asks President Maduro’s government to help him to live with dignity, meeting his medical necessities otherwise he pleads for euthanasia. / AFP PHOTO / FEDERICO PARRA / TO GO WITH AFP STORY by MARGIONI BERMUDEZ
Marco Guillen (R), a 45-year-old quadriplegic, talks with his daughter Daikellys Mosquera at his house in Barquisimeto, Lara state, Venezuela on October 23, 2017. Marco Guillen became quadriplegic in an accident twelve years ago, amid Venezuela's deep economical crisis he desperately asks President Maduro's government to help him to live with dignity, meeting his medical necessities otherwise he pleads for euthanasia. / AFP PHOTO / FEDERICO PARRA / TO GO WITH AFP STORY by MARGIONI BERMUDEZ
Marco Guillen (R), a 45-year-old quadriplegic, talks with his daughter Daikellys Mosquera at his house in Barquisimeto, Lara state, Venezuela on October 23, 2017.
Marco Guillen became quadriplegic in an accident twelve years ago, amid Venezuela’s deep economical crisis he desperately asks President Maduro’s government to help him to live with dignity, meeting his medical necessities otherwise he pleads for euthanasia. / AFP PHOTO / FEDERICO PARRA / TO GO WITH AFP STORY by MARGIONI BERMUDEZ
Ana Barrios, takes care of her quadriplegic husband Marco Guillen, at their house in Barquisimeto, Lara state, Venezuela on October 23, 2017. Marco Guillen became quadriplegic in an accident twelve years ago, amid Venezuela's deep economical crisis he desperately asks President Maduro's government to help him to live with dignity, meeting his medical necessities otherwise he pleads for euthanasia. / AFP PHOTO / FEDERICO PARRA / TO GO WITH AFP STORY by MARGIONI BERMUDEZ
Ana Barrios, takes care of her quadriplegic husband Marco Guillen, at their house in Barquisimeto, Lara state, Venezuela on October 23, 2017.
Marco Guillen became quadriplegic in an accident twelve years ago, amid Venezuela’s deep economical crisis he desperately asks President Maduro’s government to help him to live with dignity, meeting his medical necessities otherwise he pleads for euthanasia. / AFP PHOTO / FEDERICO PARRA / TO GO WITH AFP STORY by MARGIONI BERMUDEZ
Daikellys Mosquera (R), 13, helps his quadriplegic dad Marco Guillen, to drink water at their house in Barquisimeto, Lara state, Venezuela on October 23, 2017. Marco Guillen became quadriplegic in an accident twelve years ago, amid Venezuela's deep economical crisis he desperately asks President Maduro's government to help him to live with dignity, meeting his medical necessities otherwise he pleads for euthanasia. / AFP PHOTO / FEDERICO PARRA / TO GO WITH AFP STORY by MARGIONI BERMUDEZ
Daikellys Mosquera (R), 13, helps his quadriplegic dad Marco Guillen, to drink water at their house in Barquisimeto, Lara state, Venezuela on October 23, 2017.
Marco Guillen became quadriplegic in an accident twelve years ago, amid Venezuela’s deep economical crisis he desperately asks President Maduro’s government to help him to live with dignity, meeting his medical necessities otherwise he pleads for euthanasia. / AFP PHOTO / FEDERICO PARRA / TO GO WITH AFP STORY by MARGIONI BERMUDEZ



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